About TK Games
Our goal is to introduce you, and continue to provide you with all of the latest board, card and tabletop games. We want you to actually sit down with friends and family and play games! Our staff will be happy to demo most games that we have in stock.
We also carry the necessary accessories needed to help advance or protect your game, including card sleeves, play mats, dice, figures and paints.
We run Magic: The Gathering, Pokemon the card game, and Force of Will events and tournaments. Weekly Friday Night Magic, Kids only Pokemon, and league play of FoW are just some of the events you can easily join. Bigger tournaments are run when applicable, and will be posted on our calendar and Facebook page.
We hope to see you for all your gaming needs.

Pre Orders and Event Registration
Click here to view our most recent pre orders or event registration for Magic, Pokemon and FoW.